Executive Coaching
& Hogan Assessments
How can we help you move forward?
Private Executive Coaching Packages
At Bridge Leadership Solutions, our mission is to help people and organizations move forward toward their fullest potential. We believe that self-awareness is the first step toward creating a life that brings you energy, satisfaction, and joy.
Can we help you?
- Do you wonder if you are fully living up to your potential?
- Do you feel stuck, or worry that you are not “seizing the day?”
- Do you want to enhance your leadership skills and learn how to be a stronger,
more effective manager? - Does something always seem to get in the way of your success?
- Do you feel like it’s time to take your work to the next level?
If these questions resonate for you, Executive Coaching may be just what you need.
Coaching can help you identify where you want to go and create a realistic plan to get there.
Through guided conversations and customized resources, you will come to better understand yourself, what personal and leadership strengths you bring to your work, and which job roles and environments will be the most satisfying for you. We’ll untangle any self-imposed obstacles to progress and address any derailing behaviors that might take you off track. We’ll help you recognize your Inner Critic and introduce you to your Inner Mentor. If you want to stay where you are, job crafting exercises help you reshape your current role to make it more satisfying.
If you find yourself stuck because of an ongoing source of tension, Conflict Coaching can help you prepare for difficult conversations, manage your relationship with a high conflict individual, or work through a previous grievance so you can move on.
We offer a number of discounted coaching packages.
- Start with an Individual Coaching Session.
- Or opt for a discounted package of four coaching sessions to help you set and implement a few exciting, but realistic goals.
- Adding the LEAD Series package from Hogan Personality Assessments and an Interpretation Session will give you additional insights from the world leader in the science of personality and performance. The full boxed set includes four reports: Potential/HPI, Challenge/HDS, Values/MVPI, and Coaching reports along with your own personal Bridge Competency Domain Mapping Exercise ©.
- Our special package for Managers includes Hogan’s Leadership Focus Report + your Flash Score Report, and an Interpretation Session. The Managers Package also includes a customized follow-up session to address common managerial concerns such as giving and receiving feedback, working with virtual teams, guiding your people around core initiatives, and more.
- The PREMIUM package provides a full-service engagement with best-in-class resources to help you thrive and succeed.
Let’s CUSTOMIZE the perfect package for your needs right now!

Our clients rave about the power of Hogan Assessments.
“I had the good fortune to experience the Hogan Assessments program as conducted and coordinated by Laura Grisolano. The Hogan Lead Series has sincerely been transformational in both my professional and personal life… The Hogan Assessments program is an authentic glimpse into personal behavior and provides a transparent look-in-the-mirror for professional success. I highly recommend the LEAD series and Laura’s coaching for anyone who wants to enhance their effectiveness.”
— Sports Management Executive
“I thought [the Hogan survey] was a very useful self-assessment tool. Every senior associate / junior income partner should be encouraged/urged/compelled to go through this workshop.”
— Law Firm Partner
Let's talk about your hopes and dreams.